Please join the more than 12,000 other people who have signed the petition below supporting protections for the Wild Olympics.
To Congressman Kilmer, Senators Murray and Cantwell and County Commissioners
Please support new Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers designations and watershed protections on the Olympic Peninsula. These natural treasures are critical to help restore Hood Canal and Puget Sound, and provide resilient habitat strongholds for fish and wildlife stressed by climate change, especially our threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead runs. These scenic forests and rivers draw tens of thousands of visitors every year, providing a sustainable flow of income to local economies. They provide local communities with clean water, outdoor recreation such as hiking, hunting and fishing, and offer an unmatched quality of life on the Olympic Peninsula. We need to ensure that our Wild Olympic natural heritage is protected for our families and future generations to come. Thank you for your consideration of these issues.
DONATE to Protect The Wild Olympics!

Wild Olympics Places
Church Creek Trail in the Upper South Fork Skokomish Proposed Wilderness