Welcome to The Wild Olympics Campaign!
Protecting our Ancient Forests and Rivers for Future Generations
In spring 2023, Senator Patty Murray and Representative Derek Kilmer re-introduced legislation to establish new Wilderness and Wild and Scenic River protections on the Olympic Peninsula. If passed, the bill would protect the first new Wilderness designations (more than 126,000 acres) on Olympic National Forest in nearly 40 years and the first ever Wild and Scenic River designations (for 19 rivers and their tributaries constituting 464 miles of river) on the Olympic Peninsula.
The Wild Olympics Campaign enthusiastically supports the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and will continue to work to advocate for permanent protection of these wild places for future generations. The legislation would provide durable, permanent safeguards for the Peninsula’s most priceless natural treasures; our towering ancient forests, free-flowing rivers, critical fish and wildlife habitat and our clean water. We are incredibly grateful for Senator Murray’s and Representative Kilmer’s steadfast leadership and tireless efforts in advancing this landmark legislation. It is truly a historic giant step in the long history of Olympic Peninsula conservation.
Peninsula residents support protecting our last remaining wild forest and rivers. A bipartisan poll found overwhelming support for the Wild Olympics proposal among likely voters in Washington’s 6th Congressional District. Nearly two out of three (64 percent) likely voters support the Wild Olympics plan. Twenty percent of the district voters polled said they were undecided. Only 15 percent are opposed.
Over the last decade, Wild Olympics has been working with neighbors in every single community on the Peninsula to build support from diverse local voices, listen to concerns and get feedback to shape the proposal. More than 12,000 Peninsula residents have written letters or signed our petition, and more than 800 Peninsula & Hood Canal area-businesses, farms, faith leaders, sportsmen groups, elected officials, conservation, outdoor recreation and civic groups have endorsed Wild Olympics. We will continue this outreach as this legislation makes its way through congress.
We invite you to DONATE to the Campaign at the link below & sign our online petition.
Thank you for your interest and we hope to hear from you!
Connie Gallant
Quilcene, WWild Olympics CampaignA
The Wild Olympics Campaign Chair
DONATE to Protect The Wild Olympics!
Take Action: Tell The Senate to Pass Wild Olympics NOW
Take Action Now for the Wild Olympics!
Supporter Testimonials

“As a businessman I believe that protecting our natural environment is a key to providing steady and sustainable income to our rural economies. Here in Grays Harbor, salmon sport fishing, clamming, bird watching and other forms of outdoor recreation all contribute to our local economic health and are critical to attracting and retaining the highly skilled employees that growing, technology-based companies like ours will require.”
Roy Nott (Aberdeen, WA): Aberdeen Businessman
Contact: info@wildolympics.org
Wild Olympics News

Senator Murray & Rep. Kilmer Reintroduce Wild Olympics Bill with Groundswell of New Support from Peninsula Tribes, Mayors & Businesses
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wild Olympics Media Image Gallery Senator Murray & Representative Kilmer Reintroduce Wild Olympics Bill with Groundswell of New Support from Peninsula Tribes, Mayors & Businesses Citing benefits to Olympic Peninsula salmon recovery, local jobs,...
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Six Ways to Find Fall in the Wild Olympics
It is no secret that the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State is a premier destination for outdoor recreation. Each year, millions hike the trails, take in the sights, fish the creeks, kayak the rivers and explore the wilderness wonderland found around the region....
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Broad Coalition of Rural Americans Cheer Wild Olympics Act Reintroduction as Local Endorsements Increase
Citing benefits to local Olympic Peninsula jobs, economy, clean water & salmon, more than 700 local businesses, elected officials, farms, faith leaders, sportsmen, conservation & recreation groups now backing Wild Olympics QUILCENE, Wash. – The Wild Olympics Coalition...
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Wild Olympics: Discovering the Duckabush River
Every river on the Olympic Peninsula is special and unique, inspiring experiences of unfathomable beauty and lifelong memories in the great outdoors. In the shadow of the Olympic Mountains, rain falls at an impressive rate, just a few inches short of literally raining...
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