To the editor:
I was happy to read recently that legislation was recently introduced to protect some of our best wild places on the Olympic Peninsula for future generations.
As owner of B.I.Cycle here on Bainbridge, I was one of more than 250 local businesses who have endorsed the proposal because it has been carefully crafted to balance protection of forests and rivers and preserving recreational access and economic opportunities.
As a business which caters to road and mountain bikers, a key reason I support the legislation is because of the two years of efforts to work with local mountain bike advocates to ensure the continued access to key mountain bike trails on the Peninsula like the Dungeness and Gold Creek loops, Mount Zion and Lower Big Quilcene trails. In some cases popular rides were excluded from areas proposed as Wilderness (which would not allow mountain biking) and in others a Wild and Scenic River Corridor was proposed to add long-term and compatible protection to popular rides.
It is a huge accomplishment to craft a bill that is supported by both Wilderness advocates and mountain bike advocates.
Kudos to Representative Kilmer and Senator Murray for finding the right balance between protection and access.
B.I.Cycle Shop